2016 Summer Eucharistic Sunday Mass Schedule

Please click on the link below for the 2016 Summer Eucharistic Mass Schedule and complete list of current Eucharistic Lay Ministers, Lectors/Commenators and Servers.

2016 Summer Schedule & Lists


Catholic Radio – The Sword from Wamego



The 2016 Baileyville Benefit

The 2016 Baileyville Benefit is for Jacob Schilling, 14 year old son of Lisa (Noland) Schilling, Tim Sack, Jane Burdiek, and Paul Kramer. It is scheduled for February 27th & 28th at Nemaha Central High School with the auction to start at 6:00pm on Sunday. Donations for the auction, chance stand, or wheel are very much welcome and appreciated! You may also bring in donations of food (i.e. pies, desserts, cinnamon rolls, cookies, etc) to the concession stand on Saturday morning to sell throughout the tournament. If you have any ….click here to read the full article


St Anne’s Altar Society Annual Pancake Breakfast

January 31st, 2016 in the parish hall from 7:00am to 1:00pm. Enjoy pancakes, sausage, eggs, coffee, juice, and good company. Out distinguished graduate will be honored with a reception at this breakfast. If you still would like to donate articles or cash for this breakfast, please call Ida Suther.


Catholic Schools Week – 2016

Catholic Schools week for SPPS will begin January 31st and continue through Friday, February 5th. The distinguished graduate will be honored at 9:00am Mass next Sunday.


Trivia Night Registration Packet 2016

SPPS PTO Adult Trivia Night Saturday, Feb. 20th Knights of Columbus Hall 7:00-11:00pm

Doors will open at 6:30 pm so teams can arrive and setup their tables prior to the evenings start. The PTO will have water or tea to drink. The rest of the drinks and snacks are up to you!

We ask you to come, HAVE FUN, test your trivia knowledge, and spend a night out with family and friends! We hope you are excited…we can’t wait

The Trivia Night Committee

Jill Hammes, Katie Nordhus & Briana Uphaus

….click here to read the full article


2015 SPPS Teacher Christmas Wish List Event

( click here to view the 2015 Teacher’s Wish List )

The SPPS PTO is proud to host the 3rd Annual Teacher Christmas Wish List event. We have asked each teacher to list their current needs/wants in the classroom. This project provides a way for families & the parish community to express their gratitude and support for our teachers. The event will run for the next 4 weeks from December 6th – 31st. If you would like to participate in this event here are some guidelines to follow:

We have ….click here to read the full article


Thanksgivng Prayer

Thanksgiving Prayer


What Makes Our Faith Unique and Special by Shannon Holthaus

What makes our faith special and unique!


Pictures Don’t do Justice!!!

Pictures don’t do justice
