5 PM Mother’s Day Mass (5-11-2013)

Mothers Day Mass:   5 PM – May 11, 2013

This Mothers Day weekend is to be the last week-end for Mass to be held in the old auditorium.   While the Church Renovation is still in progress and the K of C Hall is no longer available for weekend Masses the Mass schedule was moved to the old auditorium on the first weekend in May where all weekday Masses have been held since the first of this year while the church is being renovated.

Mass plans were to be held during all of May in the old auditorium.   But the weekend of the 17th and 19th the new auditorium will be set up for the Graduation Masses;  the 8th grade Mass on Friday and the Senior Mass on Sunday.   Because of the set up of these two Masses and some difficulty with the filming of the Mass in the old auditorium and projecting it to the basement for those unable to climb the old auditorium steps,  Fr. Arul decided to continue the Masses during the remainder weekends in May in the new auditorium of the Parish Center so all could attend Mass there.  

So at least one Mass (this Mothers Day Mass) in the old auditorium was caught on camera.

The Children’s Choir sang for the Mass.   Fr. Arul was the celebrant for the Mass.   Fr. Arul gave tribute to all Mothers during the Mass on this Mothers Day. 

 Fr.  Arul, also,  during his Homily encouraged all to participate in the Kansans for Life Baby Bottle Campaign to raise money to support the work that they do.   The bottles were given out after all Masses on Mothers Day weekend and the bottles are to be returned (filled with financial support) on Fathers Day weekend Masses.

The Mass was filmed and projected to the basement for those attending there and could follow the mass by watching the Mass on the screen.


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